
A Play Dress for the Hot Weather

Hello friends! 
AuBrynne finished her second week of "Summer School".  Last week was all about camping and this week was all about cooking.  At the beginning of last week, I didn't know if she was going to make it.  And then I would have to take up home schooling. But miracles happen and guess what?!  By this week, she was super excited!  She likes playing with the other kids and doing all the activities.

And apparently, she likes pulling the fire alarm

Yesterday, they brought her out, and with a big grin explained that the fire-trucks came and they talked about not touching the big shiny red pull unless there was a problem.  I think I might have been as red as that alarm when they told me she had pulled it. For the rest of the day, she talked about Fireman-Steve
He made a pretty big impression on her!

I might have to check out this Fireman-Steve!

So, last night, I decided I would pull out this fun fabric I found.  It is SO cute! And its really soft and light-weight.  Perfect for a little summer dress for a little fire-alarm-pulling-school-girl!
And it only took half an hour to throw together!
I might have to make one for me...

And yes, she has her two favorite shoes on.  Too bad they don't match each other!
She insisted on them today.  Along with a pair of stiletto sandals for me to wear. Lovely.
At least she knows they both match the dress...

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  1. What a cute dress to go on the adorable model! Loving the shoes also....she sure is liking it!!! Thanks for sharing at It's Party Time Thursday at PonyTails&FishScales!

  2. What an adorable little girl in a darling dress. :)

  3. OMG..I can't believe she pulled the fire alrm!! How funny. You might have your hands full..LOL! Her dress is great..I would love to see you two matching.

  4. LOVE the mismatching shoes. My girls do the same thing. I'm always like seriously, really? Oh well! They are only young once and at least she does know they both match!

    The dress is incredibly adorable! I found you through I heart naptimes!

    Love, Jess

  5. My son pulled the fire alarm at daycare a few years ago. I just think it happens to the best of us! The dress is so cute and the model is even cuter! :oD

  6. She is just so cute and carefree it almost made me cry. I'm following your blog now. I love her dress, it's almost as cute as she is. You do wonderful work.


  7. That dress is adorable!! I love all the layers of it!

  8. What a cute dress on an adorable model! I just love the two different shoes.

    I’m having a new link party “Cheap Thrills Thursday” starting tomorrow. It’s for creative ideas that cost under $20. If you have a project you’d like to share, I’d love for you to stop by and join in!

  9. So cute - the little girl and the dress!!!!

    Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party.

    Come plant again on Friday!

    Punkin Seed Productions


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