
Counting Down the Days Until School Begins!

I can't believe that there are only 6 days until Montessori begins!
AuBrynne is SO excited. 
We stopped by this afternoon to have a look at her new classroom.  To kind of get acquainted. 
Everybody there was getting ready and it looks like its going to be a whole lot of fun! 

It reminded me that I needed to get her school pack together. 
The teachers have asked that each child have a bag with some extra clothes in case they get wet while washing their dishes or get paint on themselves while painting.

I figured I could make her a pretty cute little pack, pretty quickly. 
It turned out pretty cute. 
I used some clear vinyl and a purse zipper that is black with pink teeth. 
And, I was able to use my Cricut too! 
Here it is:

Blog Signature


  1. Super cute! Her teachers will love it...

  2. Okay...I have finally gotten over here. I am sorry I have been MIA. I have been crazy after vacation. First off, the new blog design looks great. Did you do it yourself? I am sure you did, since you are the world's best crafter..LOL! This little bag you did for AuBrynne is great. I am sure her teachers are going to love it :)

  3. You are a favorite at this week's It's party Time Thursday at PonyTails&FishScales! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!



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