
The Car-line

At AuBrynne's school, the teachers retrieve each student from their car-sear in the morning
and buckle them into their seats in the afternoon. 
They can reduce the parking issues and control who the student is released to.
Each parent waits in the "car-line". 
They supplied each of us with a card with the name of our child one it:

Now, I'm sure this is absolutely functional. Right?
But is it cute? . . . . Ummm. Nope.
Is it Allie? . . . . Certainly Not!

So, you know what I did. I got the handy Cricut cutter and the vinyl out.
Have I ever told you that I LOVE that thing? Seriously!...
And guess what?
It is functional.  It is cute.  And it is very Allie...

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  1. I love that you have a hibiscus and AuBrynne has a butterfly. Does she know she has a butterfly? So cute.

  2. OMG...the teachers come get the kids..what a great idea!! I would love that...this way I wouldn't have to take Anthony out. I could also go in my pj's..LOL! Now, the letters that you created, those are Allie :)

  3. Way smart! We did the same thing at the school I used to teach at, but we were never smart enough to put the child's name in the window. Your version is way cuter!


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