
Featured Blogger - Circle of Love and All the Craziness Around It

I am SO excited to introduce Jennifer from Circle of Love.
Jenn has quickly become my BBF: Blog Bestie Forever!
Jenn and I skype as often as we can fit it in
has SO graciously carved out some time to put together a super-fantabulous post for me and all of you!
I do hope you will hop on over and say Hi to Jenn for me!
Thank You Jenn!

Hello Allie friends! My name is Jenn and I am an 'Allie-o-holic." I came across Allie's blog a few months back. Actually, only just after I started blogging myself. I instantly was in awe of how amazing Allie was. She can sew. She can craft. She can decorate. She can cook. And all while raising an adorable little girl. I knew this was a blog I wanted to follow. And I am glad I did, because I consider Allie to be my 'Bloggy BFF.' We have gotten to know eachother so well over these last few months. We have so much in common. We love nails, hair, make-up, crafting and above all, reality tv! Sometimes I wish she didn't live half way across the country because I would love to borrow her to to teach me a few things. Above all, she has inspired me to want to sew. I had a sewing machine sitting in the closet for years. I wanted to start to learn but then kids happened and I just didn't have the time. Well, now I make the time. I have only being sewing a few months, but for someone who is teaching themselves, I think I am doing pretty good so far. I have made numerous bags, dresses, a swimsuit cover-up and even aprons. I am so excited to continue to learn and make even more detailed projects. So, thank you, Allie.
Now, you would think I would want to share one of my sewing projects with you. But I am not. This week has been hectic with Thanksgiving a few days away. So I thought I would share a little Thanksgiving game that we are going to play at our house this year. We always have an issue with saying grace before our meal. I guess everyone is afraid of public speaking and no one wants to say it. I am hoping this little game will help break the ice.
First, I had my sons trace their hands. Of course, we are making turkeys : ) I made enough hands so that there would be enough for all of our guests. Then the kids colored them and I cut them out.
I then flipped over the turkeys and wrote a question on the back of each.  Some examples of questions are..
1. Which season do you appreciate the most and why?
2. What invention are you most thankful for?
3. What are you thankkful for everyday?
4. What two items in your home are you most thankful for?
After that, I grabbed a glass vase and placed all of the turkeys in there. I was going to just place a festive bow on the front. But then my son Christopher came home with this turkey that he made in school.

I decided to tape it to the front of the vase. You can really decorate the vase however you want. You don't even have to use a vase. Any bowl or box would work fine too.

Now, anyone that wants to eat my Thanksgiving meal is going to have to pick a question from the vase and answer it. It will be a great way to get everyone to express some sort of thanks. And I am sure my kids are going to get a kick out seeing everyone holding one of their hands!
Thanks, Allie, for letting me be a part of your blog. I would love it if any of you would swing by and visit. If nothing, else, I have really cute kids that will make you smile.
Have a great Turkey Day!

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  1. Wonderful idea! Everybody is involved on this one. I like that kind of project.

  2. Cute ideas! Thanks for your nice comments!

  3. What a great idea! I just love Jennifer and her blog too. Now I'm a fan of your blog as well! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Oh and meant to include that I can't wait until my daughter is old enough for fun crafts and ideas like this one! Thanks for sharing!


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