
A Few Trick-Or-Treating Pics

We had WAY too much fun Trick-Or-Treating this year!
We had PERFECT weather!
Before Witches go out, they walk their black cats:

 Then we found The Most Handsome Dracula aka: Chase

And we grabbed the cutest Sorority Sister aka: Ashley

If there was any kind of decoration, these two had to inspect it!

 Everybody had SO much fun!
And got TOO much candy!
Nobody handed out full sized candy bars when I was little!

Now, some rest!

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  1. I think the witch and dracula make a great duo! I am sure they had a blast together getting those full size candy bars. We may be coming trick-or-treating with you next year..LOL!

  2. You two look so cute, but the black cat walk has got to be my favourite pic. Love it! :)


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