
AuBrynne Makes Sparkles for her Pop-pop

In an attempt to occupy AuBrynne for a few minutes over the weekend,
I pulled out an unfinished wood frame, a bowl of plastic sparkles, and some school glue.
A few minutes in, she decided she needed to send the project to her Pop-pop!
So, I threw a few photos in and I think it is perfect for Pop-pop!

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  1. Give a girl some glue and sparkles and she will create!! I am sure her pop-pop will love it :)

  2. That is adorable! Ilove it!

  3. That's really cute. I can't imagine my own daughter having the attention span to cover it so thoroughly...but that's just her.

  4. Big Smiles from me as soon as I saw this. My oldest would LOVE this!

  5. Allie- Your daughter is quite the crafter {hmm. who does she get that from}

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Juice last week.

    FYI: Creative Juice is on hiatus until the week of Valentine's Day because of The Beat the Winter Blues Party.

    If you have any cool photo project you'd like to link up...stop by!



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