
Double Yoga

So, lately, I have been losing the battle with the Sand-Man.
I am unbelievably tired.
If there was a way to "Phone In" a blog post, that is what I would be doing today.
Google, can you find a way to do Phone-In-Posts, please?
It means I have not visited my bloggy-friends in a very long time...
And to all of you, I will be by soon!
I do have something to share with you all!
A client of mine asked me to do a couple projects for her.
I didn't a picture of the first, as it was just recovering a lumbar support thingy (boring...)
But this one was kind of cute.
This client does yoga and uses two mats.
She wanted a bag that would hold both mats and also a little pocket to hold her hand-towel.
The carrying straps double as the draw-strings.
It works well!
I think she will be very happy.
Since I don't have a yoga mat (or two), I photographed the finished bag without the mats.

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1 comment:

  1. I think I might need to 'phone in' posts too. I have been so exhausted lately myself. Are we just getting old?? The bag came out great. I am sure she is going to love it :)


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