
Go Here and Here...

Hello friends!
I want to tell you about a couple of very fun things today!
My friend Jenn over at Rook No. 17 is holding a very cool link party
 that I think you should all go and participate in!
Think of your favorite children's story from when you were younger and hop on over...

Next, My other friend Jenn over at Circle of Love holds a fun party on Fridays called
I want to participate each week but I generally use my phone camera mostly for
taking pics of things that inspire me in my crafts each week.
So, I have been trying to pull my camera out for more than just inspiration shots. 
This last week, I wanted to show you our St. Patrick's Day girls outing...
At lunch, my mom made my aunt and her matching bracelets and she gave it to her then:

My mom also made this cute necklace:
(Click the picture to see the detail..)

Here are the two sisters:

Before we got out that morning, I made AuBrynne a St. Patrick's themed shirt to ensure she wouldn't get pinched. She chose her rhinestone placement, and I think it was genius!

Then we went over to Francesca's and found the perfect purse for AuBrynne!

And if you thought, I might not have been there, here I am, lol...

So, now, I am going to link this up on FRIDAY over at Jenn's party:

Have you visited my Linky-Party Directory?
I like to link my projects up on all the places there!
If your linky party is not listed because I have not linked there, or maybe don't know about it
Please Feel Free To Add It! :)
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  1. Allie, I cannot thank you enough!!!

  2. What a cool blog hop regarding old children's books. Geez, we asked Christopher if he knew what a cassette was and he looked at us like we were crazy...LOL! Can't imagine kids these days read the same stories we did :) Love all of your phone photos!! A looks so cute in her St. Patty's day shirt. And I didn't know your mom was into jewelry making....how nice she made matching braclets for her and her sister :)

  3. How did I miss this?? Me and the kiddos were talkin about Miss Allie and the fabulous rockstar A so I came to remind them and I just saw this....how Cute! I really like the jewlery and Liv is lovin A's shirt and purse!


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