
A Valentine Refashion for a Fashion-Maven

One more Valentine project...

A while back we were killing time at Walmart and I saw these little white t-shirts for 50 cents!!
I can't make her little white t's for that... in the cart, a handful of them.
So what if they look like a 12 year old stitched them together...
I could make them look adorable!

So, I got my Cricut and some freezer paper out.
I cut out a tattoo-heart and then ironed it to the t-shirt.
Then I took another piece and ironed it onto the back side of the t-shirt.
This way, none of the paint would wick or run.
Then I pulled out my favorite pearlized pink acrylic paint and some textile medium and mixed them up.
Then I took a sponge brush and sponged it onto the shirt.
After it tried, I pulled off the freezer paper off and ironed it to set it.
I had some extra peachskin fabric and attached a skirt.

Before I could even get her out the door for a picture,
AuBrynne insisted the dress needed one more thing!
I laughed and said What?
She ran and got a little bolero in pink and said, See?! It matches perfect!
Goodness, I love my little fashion-maven!

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  1. Adorable! I see a little girl with red hair too! AW! She is so precious! And it DID match perfectly though...Good Job AuBrynne!

  2. She is surely a fashion maven...and she gets it from her mama!! I am sure she was the cutest kid at school on Valentine's Day :)

  3. what a cutie pie! hope you had a great valentines day... so glad holly got us all together!
    xo malia

  4. Very nice! Thanks for linking up!!

  5. Love it! I feel like a super mom when I find awesome deals and think of creative ways to make something so much better than it was! Great job!

  6. Awwww, the outfit is adorable, but your model is even cuter! Those curls just melt your heart. And I love when little girls are into fashion, it cracks me up. My niece is the same way! Thanks for joining Idea Sharin' Wednesday!


  7. So sweet, turned out very cute. Thanks so much for linking up to Beyond the Picket Fence.

  8. Oh, she is so adorable. And that outfit is just as cute. I'm your newest follower. I'm having my first link party tomorrow (Monday). It would be great if you could stop by and post your project. http://diyhshp.blogspot.com/


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