
Making It With Allie – Featured Blogger - Mama Says Sew

Welcome everyone!
Can you all bellieve we are half way through February already?!
I sure can't!

I am super excited to bring you a Featured Blogger for this week's
Making It With Allie Party!

I want you all to meet Terra, from Mama Says Sew!
You will love her projects like I do, I am sure!
After you link up your projects, hhop on over and say HI to Terra for me!

Hi everyone!  I'm Terra from Mama Says Sew.  Since a picture is worth a thousand words, instead of telling you about my blog, I'll show you some of my favorite projects.
              Ruffle Flower Leggings                                  Ruffle Flower Scarf                                         Burlap N' Blue Lamp    
Okay, now on to the real purpose for my visit here.
Today I am going to teach you how to make these fabric flowers. All you need for this project is a solid colored fabric, some tulle {which is optional!} and a glue gun. For the red one pictured, I left out the tulle {because I couldn't find any that matched}.                      
Start by cutting circles.  You need 9 circles of your solid fabric and 8 of tulle.
For the first 6 circles, start by stacking your solid color on your tulle.
Fold in half, with the tulle on the inside.
Wrap the ends into a cone shape and secure with a dab of glue.  The arrow shows you where your glue should go.  If you press with your fingers, the glue should hold all layers of fabric.  Be careful not to burn yourself!
Here is what the cones should look like:
After you've made 6, glue them onto another one of your circles.  I just used a very thin line of glue down the "seam".
The last two circles we'll make a little differently.  Start by folding them in half the same way as the other circles.  Then fold them in half again so they're now folded into quarters.  Secure with another dab of glue, as shown by the arrow.
Glue the last two folded circles into the center of your flower and there it is! This is a super fast project.
I think mine looks great paired with this pretty jacket I picked up at a thrift store for 50 cents. Yep, that's right.  Go thrift stores!
You're welcome to stop by my place anytime! Thanks for having me today Allie!


Have you visited my Linky-Party Directory?
I like to link my projects up on all the places there!
If your linky party is not listed because I have not linked there, or maybe don't know about it -
Please Feel Free To Add It! :)
Thank You Jessica!
So, now it is your turn!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
So, grab a button if you can (below).
Follow along if you like what you see.
I want to visit all of your links, so link up your direct post!
 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like.
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
Party Button

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  1. Hello Allie! Thank you for hosting this party! Here sun is shining and warming...I send you some! Teje

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my tray! I linked it up this week :) I'm also a new follower...Happy Day to you!!

  3. Hi Allie! Thank you for visiting my blog and inviting me to link up to your party! I'v linked up and signed on as your newest follower! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. There are some GREAT projects linked up here!! Thanks for hosting. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm a new follower of yours.


  5. I am all linked up! Thanks for stopping by my blog and telling me about your party!!

  6. Allie, thank you so much for visiting my little blog and inviting me over to link up at your linky party! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  7. thanks for inviting me over to your part-ay! I added your button to my linky party page.

  8. Hi Allie. Thanks for inviting me to your blog. Love the stuff you make. Nice tutorial.

  9. Hi Allie, Thanks fro inviting me here. i love your blog. Happy weekend!

  10. Hi Allie!
    Thanks for visiting House Revivals, and for the invitation to hook up. I hooked up the Jimmy Choo knock-off and am your newest follower.

  11. Great party! I'm glad I found you. By the way, I have a contest giveaway on my blog you might find fun. Take a look. triumphandtears.blogspot.com

  12. Allie, sorry to hear we have so many "bad" things in common - allergies to onions, the environment, mold....thanks for the info on acasia - hubs has MAJOR hayfever and often sinus issues. Never knew to avoid that ingredient while we spend the rest of lives reading labels. I'll just add that to it! lol Also, good luck on your MRI - hope they figure out why they can't get your thyroid regulated. I'm sure you're tired of feeling pooped out!

  13. I've found two new blogs today that I love! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas.


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