
Making It With Allie - Easter Preparations

Welcome to another edition of
Making It With Allie

The last couple of days have been getting ready for Easter. 
It kind of crept up on me this year.
I have been blowing out eggs so that I can get the
Martha Stewart Superfine Glitter out.
That is my favorite way to do eggs.
I just don't like having to blow the eggs out -gives me kind of a headache...
But they sure are pretty!
Only 2 dozen more...

Then, it dawned on me yesterday that I should probably start AuBrynne's Easter dress...
 It goes pretty darn fast, but it's always good to get things done earlier than later, right?
All I have left is to tack in the lining.
I wish there was an alternative to hand sewing...
So, here is a sneak peek at the dress!

So, I still have to get a Easter hair bit or hat together, but that is in progress still...
Anyways, I can't wait to show you all the finished photos!

Now it's your turn!
It's time for the
Making It With Allie Party!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
So, grab a button if you can (below).
Follow along if you like what you see.
I want to visit all of your links,
so link up your direct post, not your main blog page!
 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like.
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
Party Button

If you have issues linking your post, feel free to email me and I can add it directly :)

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  1. Thanks for hosting a link party. The dress is looking really cute. Can't wait to see it. :)

    Tracy All Thumbs Crafts

  2. Love the eggs, thanks for the partay!

  3. Those eggs are so pretty!!!! And I can't WAIT to see the dress!! Alie and I will be making some eggs tomorrow too! I'm so excited!! It will be our first time and my first time since I was a kid! Thanks for hosting, Allie! :)

  4. Thanks for hosting another great party! Those eggs are too cute!

    I hope you'll pop by and check out my tutorial for a no-sew shopping cart cover. :)

  5. I am loving those eggs!! Thanks for hosting!! :)

  6. Wow...your eggs are super fancy...I love them! That Martha Stewart glitter looks pretty fun. And why I am I not surprised that you are making a beautiful Easter dress for A, why wouldn't you?? LOL! I thought she could have worn her Halloween dress again? Either way, she will look adorable. Can we chat soon, please :)

  7. Thank you for hosting! I'd love you to link up your party on my Link Parties Page!
    Reasons To Skip The Housework
    Tuesday Time Out Link Up Party
    Link up Your Weekly Parties Here

  8. Love the fabric for the dress!! Thanks so much for hosting!

  9. I just found your party and linked up...thanks so much for hosting and hope you have a wonderful Easter.


  10. My first time linking up! I added your button to my links tab at the top of my page. Thanks for doing this!

  11. Hello! Happy almost Easter and thanks for hosting! Malia

  12. Thanks for hosting, Allie! I can't wait to see her finished Easter dress!

  13. Have a really happy easter Allie

  14. the dress is so cute.. I love it! :)
    Thanks for another successful linky party..



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