
Making It With Allie - Royal Fun

Welcome to another Making It With Allie!
I am glad to have you!

I am sure that all of you have seen all of the hype about the upcoming nuptials of
Prince William of Wales and Catherine Middleton

Can you believe that Lady Diana's son is getting married almost exactly
30 years from the day of his parents wedding? 
Do you all remember watching that wedding early in the morning?
Well, we are excited to watch on Friday!

AuBrynne is super excited to see the NEW Princess!
Last night she wanted to make a Princess Crown to wear for the wedding.

I can't pass up an opportunity to get the Silhouette out,
so I very quickly made a crown and cut it out!
AuBrynne thought for only a moment about what color it needed to be...

Then we cut the pieces out with the Silhouette and glued it all together

Then she added the jewels for a final touch!

Then, I was playing around a little bit....
I had some extra fabric from AuBrynne's Easter dress and some woolly nylon and floral wire,
 that could go into my serger.
Please don't try this if you are not SUPER adept with your serger,
and if you do please wear safety glasses as a precaution!
Anyways, the effect was pretty cool!
It was bendable but also held it's shape!
Have you figured out yet what I was able to make??
A Fascinator! In the big British Fancy Style!
For my own little Princess!

And of course her favorite Royalty shirt I threw together for her a while back...
So, we are on pins and needles to see the wedding!

Have you visited my Linky-Party Directory?
I like to link my projects up on all the places there!
If your linky party is not listed because I have not linked there, or maybe don't know about it
Please Feel Free To Add It! :)

Some of you may know that it has been REALLY hard for me to get around to visit every ones links each week
and then chose some highlights.
In order to leave everyone a nice comment, it ends up taking A TON of time!
I will be moving the Features day, but have not decided on a day yet.
You see, it takes WAY more time than I had EVER anticipated and
is leaving VERY little time to be able to do any crafts to share with you all!
So, I am going to ask you all, Should I:
1: Not have Features
2: Have only one feature based on votes
3: Feature only those who leave comments...
4: Something else that you all suggest

Now it's your turn!
It's time for the
Making It With Allie Party!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
So, grab a button if you can (below).
Follow along if you like what you see.
I want to visit all of your links,
so link up your direct post, not your main blog page!
 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like.
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
Party Button

If you have issues linking your post, feel free to email me and I can add it directly :)

Blog Signature


  1. I think voting is a good idea or maybe most clicked links?

  2. I appreciate the time you take each week providing this party for us to get exposure. Whatever works best for you is good with me! I love the features, I think it is always good to see what others find enchanting. Your daughter is so precious, I love her crown!

  3. I personally LOVE checking out the features BUT not if it's taking time away from your crafting, sewing, family or blog time. I mean your not blogging to give us a link party right. I like the voting idea, too!! Thanks for hosting, Allie! I really appreciate it! :)

  4. I finally managed again to link up! YEAH!

    About the features - you know I totally understand what you are saying!!!
    I have a linkup party on my German blog and even though it is still tiny compared to yours it takes up WAY more time than I ever anticipated! I will have to change the way I do things at some point too but am not sure how yet. I think leaving out the features would be sad ...
    I guess using something like most clicked or something would probably be easiest for you as it would be less work. I have to say though that for some reason I feel not too drawn to that solution. Can not say why though.
    I have thought - for my party - of randomly selecting projects. But that also is still quite some work I suppose.
    I am curious about that one with the comments - how would that work?
    But I guess if you start featureing people that comment ... everone would comment. Which would be good but you still would end up with the problem who to feature ... :-)

    To be honest - I do not know! :-(
    But I will follow you closely to see what you come up with. Maybe it will help me too to find a better solution for my party. After all ... hosting is fun but if it takes up more than one evening ... it is just too much!

    Appreciate your efforts!!!!

  5. If it was my linky party, I would just feature 2 or 3 projects that I liked. If it's getting to be to much work, I hope you don't feel pressure to vist every link-I don't think any of us expect that.

  6. I also run a linky party. Yes, it does take time! I don't comment on every one's links. It just takes to much time. I think most people understand that. I do wish Linky Tools had a stat counter for each link, that way we could feature the links with the most clicks. As far as I can tell he doesn't offer that yet. But I believe Inlinkz does. That would simplify things for you.

    My feature choices are all based on what catches my eye. If you have great pictures, a good idea, and you have somehow linked back to my blog. So far I have never had over 65 links though. I don't know how those that have over 200 links manage it!

    Good luck! You have a great linky party!
    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  7. thanks for hosting allie! your little princess is the cutest

  8. AuBrynne makes a great princess, better yet an amazing 'queen' herself. The crown fits her perfectly :) Are you really excited to watch the wedding. I am kind of over it already...LOL! As far as the linky party...I am sure people understand that you cannot get to comment on everyone's blog. It is way too time consuming. Hello...it is taking away from our Skpye time...LOL!

  9. I linked up my Oreos! You have a great blog! Glad I cane join in on the blog hop!

  10. I love checking out what was featured but understand it takes you quite a bit of time. what about featuring the most clicked on link, do you have a way of seeing what your viewers clicked on most? Thanks for hosting!

  11. Thanks for hosting! Love that cute little princess!!

  12. I love the little hat you made! It's great!

    As far as features go- I have no good input for you. :( I'm new to this! :)

  13. what a beautiful princess you have !! And her crowns are gorgeous!

  14. Thank you for doing the link party. My suggestion for featuring would be to feature two your favorite and the crowd favorite (most visited).

  15. Thanks for hosting! I know it takes a lot more work than we think it does, so thank you. :)

    I love the princess crown and fascinator! Perfect for the wedding tomorrow!!!!

  16. I've always wondered where you found the time to comment on every link. It's sooooo appreciated but definitely not expected.
    If you have a way of featuring most clicked projects that would be fun, but voting works too. Just don't make it more work for you, this is all supposed to be for fun, right~

  17. I just linked up, thanks for hosting again this week!

    Love your little princess! Can't wait for all the wedding coverage on TV!!

    Seeing items featured is fun, but not a must. Voting might be a fun why to pick them...

  18. SO cute- love that crown! Your daughter is such a cutie :)

    PS- Thanks for hosting!

  19. oh my goodness, how cute is that hair flouf?! And the sweet little top!!

  20. I can empathize with you since I host my own link party. Visiting each link can be very time consuming. I like the idea of voting on the best crafts maybe top 3?

  21. Such a beautiful wedding ! And I love your crown

  22. LE~SPONSOR POST!!! :)


  23. Oh my. Your little girl is so lovely.


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