
Making It With Allie - Bazinga! Birthday

I have been pretty M.I.A. lately.
But school's out and the weather here is pulling us to fun outside activities!
I hope you all are getting the chance to do the same!

Last week my cousin had a birthday.
Miss AuBrynne so sweetly decided he was either turning 5 years old.
I hope she is so generous with me for my birthday!

So, I made my cousin some t-shirts for his present.
And when it was time to open presents, he was extatic and was hoping for more t-shirts!
I have told you all before how we are a proud Geek-family...
Well, my Aunt Shelley and I decided that the shirts the Sheldon wears on Big Bang Theory are the best.
So, what better to make him some Sheldon shirts, right?

Here they are!

AuBrynne was so excited to make him a special Birthday card!

We decided this is awesome for Paul, as he is the King of Sarcasm

This is a 73 shirt. 73 is the best number.  Do you know why? Sheldon explains:
"The best number is 73. Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror (37) is the 12th and its mirror (21) is the product of multiplying, hang on to your hats, 7 and 3. ... In binary, 73 is a palindrome, 1001001 which backwards is 1001001."

This was my first attempt at "layering" heat transfer. I'm not sure that is the correct terminology, as none of the heat transfer is actually on top of the other...  It's more of a way of cutting the heat transfer and then cutting the "negative".
We all had a super fun day for Paul's "5th" Birthday!
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Now,  it's time for the
Making It With Allie Party!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
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Follow along if you like what you see.
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 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like,
let's just make sure they are not just pages to sell product...
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
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  1. The "layered" heat transfer looks great. And I am fascinated with the description of the number 73 (even if I'm not a geek). Thanks for hosting.

  2. Yes, you have told us that you are a 'geek' family...and I love it!! Intelligence is an awesome quality that many people seem to be lacking...LOL! All of the shirts came out great...I really need to buy the Silhouette transfer :)

  3. Great job on the T-Shirts. What a great gift idea!

  4. Allie ~ Your wish is my command...I found this Cherry Limeade over on my Pinterest! Have you tried Pinterest? http://shewearsmanyhats.com/2010/07/cherry-limeade/

  5. What a cute gift. Thanks for visiting and your fun party.

  6. ACK!!!! I LOVE those shirts!!! Thanks so much for hosting again! :)

  7. oh he looks so happy with his t-shirt gifts !

  8. Hi there, I am a new follower - thought I'd join your party! The t-shirts look brilliant. Anna x

  9. I love the T-shirt too! I am a huge Sheldon fan and even have my own Bazinga T! Thanks for hosting another great party!

  10. Allie, I love the way your floral arrangement coordinated with and complemented your modern art piece! Wonderful!

    Thank you for hosting -- I'm so glad to be back after what seems like a much too long hiatus!

    Best, Jenn


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