
Making It With Allie - And an Excuse

Things around here have been wild!
It's not the greatest excuse, but things have not settled down enough to be able to "blog appropriately..."
But that does not mean that I haven't been working on things when I have a hot-minute...
If only I had four clones...
So, you will have to party without me this week.

Now,  it's time for the
Making It With Allie Party!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
So, grab a button (below) or a text link is fine too.
Follow along if you like what you see.
I want to visit all of your links,
so link up your direct post, not your main blog page!
 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like,
let's just make sure they are not just pages to sell product...
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
Party Button

If you have issues linking your post, feel free to email me and I can add it directly :)

Blog Signature


  1. Thanks for hosting, Allie! We all certainly understand what it's like to be too busy to blog, so enjoy life while it's happening and we'll be here linking up. ;) Take care and have a great weekend!

    Kim @ Little Rays of Sunshine

  2. How sweet is it that you still host a party when you are busy!!! Thank you for hosting, hope things settle down soon (unless its something great!)

  3. I totally get it! I've been so busy it's overwhelming! I'm getting a bit excited cause all the fun fall crafting as begun!! I hope that will help you feel better too! OH my gosh, Allie!! If you would make and SELL that Jessie costume your made AuBrynn last year that would be SO AWESOME!! And yes, friend, thanks so much for hosting for us! :)

  4. I hear ya! Hang in there! And thanks so much for hosting!!

    ~ Sarah

  5. Life is crazy here too....I think we are all overwhelmed this time of year. Taking care of business at home is much more important. We will all be here waiting to catch up with you once you are back in the groove of things :)

  6. Hey Allie,

    Thanks so much for the comment on my blog. I just sent you two emails with the Doctor Who graphics. :)

  7. Allie, no excuses or apologies necessary. Your blog is great at whatever pace you're able to share your creativity and talent!

    Thank you for hosting!



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