
Making IT With Allie - My Biggest Cubs Fan

 Hello friends!
First, I want to announce the winner of last week's contest from
Release Me Create!

Maureen from Release Me Create will contact you!

And to get the party started, I want to share my latest project!
You know the type of person who is SO hard to gift for?
You know the type -if they want it, they get it before you have a chance to surprise them...
Well, my biggest Cubs Fan is VERY much like this.
And it is his birthday this weekend.
And that basically means it's a holiday...
So, I REALLY had to put my thinking cap on to figure the right gift out...
So, as I am trying to think of ideas for his (and my brother's and my father's birthdays who all fall within 5 days of each other) I found this fabulousness:

This is probably THE perfect gift, as he is a Cubs FAN-atic.
This one loves the Cubs so much he can be found at Wrigley on most nice summer days, taking in a good game. But who doesn't love a good Cub's game, right?
But the price tag on this baby was out of my budget.
AND, it was not handmade by Me.
So, I had to figure a way to make something like this for him.
That is when my mind got going and I pulled out my Silhouette and started to make my own version.
Instead of layering and screen printing (which I don't have those fun tools...)
I used canvas and heat-transfer and some painted dowels.
It was REALLY fun.
The one I did is a bit different, but I think it has a similar feel.
And now since I have figured the perfect gift, what on earth am I going to do next year??

Have you visited my Linky-Party Directory?
I like to link my projects up on all the places there!
If your linky party is not listed because I have not linked there, or maybe don't know about it
Please Feel Free To Add It! :)

Making It With Allie Party!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
So, grab a button (below) or a text link is fine too.
Follow along if you like what you see.
I want to visit all of your links,
so link up your direct post, not your main blog page!
 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like,
let's just make sure they are not just pages to sell product...
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
Party Button

If you have issues linking your post, feel free to email me and I can add it directly :)

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  1. Great job on the subway art!!! Thanks for hosting your weekly link party!

  2. I am sure he is going to love it!! Your version is even better than your inspiration ;)

  3. Thanks for hosting, I'd love to have you visit my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party, going on until Sunday at www.laughloveandcraft.com.

  4. Hi Allie , thanks for letting me link up with your party. I’m adding you to my blog post.

    Hugs…Tracy :)

  5. Hi Allie. I'm sorry for the inconvience but I had to repost my link because I had to correct it. The incorrect one is #102 if you'd like to remove it.

    Thanks, Tracy :)

  6. Allie, your Cubs banner turned out beautifully! My husband is originally from Chicago and has a birthday coming up. Hmmm...

    Thank you for hosting!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Alli! That is so awesome! You are really, really talented!


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