
Making It With Allie - Thanksgiving 2011

Hello friends!!
I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you are with loved ones and/or people that you can celebrate the holiday with.
I wanted to bring you pictures and recipes for the goodness we have made for Thanksgiving this year,
but I have lost the hours to prepare the blog post for it.
But I will express my gratitude for my amazing family and dear friends who love me.
I am also thankful for all of you lovely and inspiring bloggers who come to link up your fantastic projects each week.
And I must also say I am grateful for my fantastic sewing machine, which has given me much inspiration as of late.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving!
And Happy Shopping to all of you who plan on grabbing those ever hastening After-Thanksgiving-Day Deals. -You all are very brave....

Now, it's time for the
Making It With Allie Party!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
So, grab a button (below) or a text link is fine too.
Follow along if you like what you see.
I want to visit all of your links,
so link up your direct post, not your main blog page!
 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like,
let's just make sure they are not just pages to sell product...
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
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If you have issues linking your post, feel free to email me and I can add it directly :)

Making It With Allie

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  1. Thanks for hosting and happy thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks for hosting!! I always try to link up every week!! Would you like to add your linky party to my list? Link up here: http://vixenmade.blogspot.com/p/linky-parties.html Thank you!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for hosting! I posted a recipe for apple cake with fresh apples which can be a great recipe for the Thanksgiving holiday. I also posted a profile for a great fall fruit, pomegranate, an antioxidant powerhouse.

  4. Thank you so much for hosting! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}


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