
Making It With Allie

Hello friends!
I am glad you are here!
I have had an eventful week several months.  I won't go into too much detail today.
 But I will say that, these events have given me great pause to reflect on a few things  that are very important to me.  
Some of the things that are so very important to me are respect, family, creativity, and choosing to do what is right.
I can see that I am probably losing some of you at this point...
But I just want to say just how much I appreciate each and every one of you who comes to share your creativity. I appreciate each and every one of you who reaches out to me each week.  Your kindness and creativity has kept me sane and from going on a Mommie-Rampage and becoming a national news headline.
Thank You, Thank You!
Now, hopefully I can get back to doing what I love...
I hope you will please be patient as I get back to work!

Now, it's time for the
Making It With Allie Party!
What have you got this week?
I am anxious to see!
You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
So, grab a button (below) or a text link is fine too.
Follow along if you like what you see.
I want to visit all of your links,
so link up your direct post, not your main blog page!
 Feel free to link up as many links as you would like,
let's just make sure they are not just pages to sell product...
And visit some of the others and share some comment love!
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If you have issues linking your post, feel free to email me and I can add it directly :)

Making It With Allie

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  1. I hope things start getting better for you. I've been a follower for over a year and have noticed you weren't posting much. But you always come up with such great crafts and I can't wait to see what you do next. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hi Allie, so sad to hear about your troubles. I totally understand being thrown for a loop and reevaluating what is truly important. Hang in there! AND...Thank you so much for hosting!! Hope you have an EXTREMELY HOPPY Thursday! HUGS~

  3. We all love you, me especially :) And although we love blogging and creating, life still has to happen. Sadly, there are not enough hours in the day and we need to tend to ourselves and our families. Do what you love, when you can :)

  4. Allie, in addition to your wonderful party that is loaded with talent and inspiration, I really appreciate the way you connect with your readers by being genuine and personal.

  5. Thanks for hosting. Great to find your blog and so many new treasures!


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