
IT Art

My Aunt Shelley asked me to make her some art for her new office.
The new place is very modern in tones of gray.
Sounds bright and cheery, eh? Right.
So, she asked me to come up with something within these parameters:
(I love these kind of exercises)
Grays - think Kleenex Box
4 pcs. Green
UP To 4 pcs. Black
1 pc. Yellow
1 pc. Red

And she gave me a canvas to put it on.

So you ask, where is the color scheme coming from?
Well, my Aunt Shelley is a Systems Analyst.
Yea, I am not sure (as I am not one) what she does, but she does it REALLY well.
Anyways, the programs she has to use is in 4 colors:
Black (background) Green (Most of the words)Red and Yellow (Sparingly)
And then the Grays of the office.

So, this is what I came up with:

So, she popped her art up in her office and her co-workers very much appreciated the IT-themed art!
Now she's working on a little floral arrangement to go with it.
I will show it to you all when it's finished!

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  1. I am so digging the pops of color. You are too talented. Stop making the rest of us look like slackers.

  2. I am sure she love it..I do. I am going to redo some of my own artwork this week....but it will not be so fancy...LOL!

  3. Wow, that looks amazing. You some beautiful work!


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