
Making It With Allie - Turtles

So, my bestie Hollie and I were chatting before her finals last week.
Then she mentions that she is also supposed to make one of her daughters a turtle costume.
Now, I am not going to go into how I and Hollie and her spouse feel about the parent being required to make costumes... I don't want the wrath of all of you happy bloggin teachers...
Anyways, these 5th graders were having an opera and each student needed a costume.
Costumes have to be made and I love to do it.
People who have a business AND are going to college don't like to make costumes so much.
I also remembered I had the perfect fabric  for her costume so, I could make her a turtle shell and all she had to do was put on some green leggings and a green shirt.
Plus when she told me that the kids actually made the script and all the music,
I was SO impressed, I had to do it!
I have a special place in my heart for opera and opera for kids.

So, I whipped up this turtle shell.
It only took a piece of foam core board, fiber fill, batting, knit fabric, elastic and some embroidery floss

I cut out the turtle shape in the foam core board and then poked holes in a pattern in the middle.
Then I layed the fiber fill down and then a layer of batting, then the knit fabric.
This all got stapled with a regular stapler.
Then I took the embroidery floss and sewed with a very long needle threw my holes up and down through the pattern to create "tufting" for the turtle pattern.
Then on another piece of foam core board in the same shape only slightly smaller, I cut space for elastic to go through (for her arms)
Then covered the whole thing with the knit fabric.
Then the two pieces got sandwiched together with hot glue.
Then I decided that since I had barely missed the closing of the post office for the day,
I could add some reinforcing/decorative stitch around the edge.
It turned out really cute and you know I forgot to take pictures before I dropped it into the mail.
But Hollie was smart enough to bring her camera to the show!
So here is Miss Sophie in her Turtle costume!


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  1. That is so FREAKING CUTE!!!!! Thanks for hosting, Allie! :)

  2. I'm happy to have found your site! The turtle costume is extremely creative! Thanks for the party too! http://homesandbabies.blogspot.com/2011/05/colorful-ricotta-cookies.html

  3. Why does it not surprise me that you made a turtle costume and that it came out amazing?? I think Sophie's is the best one...but I am sure no one needs to know that she had help from a professional costume designer..LOL!

  4. That fabric is perfect! Out of all the sewing I do, I like costuming the best because you can go crazy and use materials you normally don't for regular clothes.

    I have to agree with the Mom though. As much as I enjoy designing and creating costumes, I wouldn't like to do it during Finals Week.

  5. Thanks for hosting another great party!

    PS--Love the turtle costume! :)

  6. That is such a cute turtle costume.. :) Thanks for another great linky party.. :)



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