
Making It With Allie - Waiting for The Doctor

Greeting friends!
The weather here has been delightful!
We are on day two of record-breaking warm weather and I LOVE it!
Hope you all have been able to enjoy some nice weather where you are.

Today I am SO excited to share with you this little number my little girl asked me to make for her!
Before I get to showing it, I must share with you a little back-story...

When I was growing up, my father watched this British show called Doctor Who.
This show has been on since 1963! 
 It is a science-fiction "drama-die" (for lack of a better word) where The Doctor takes an engenue companion on galactic adventures and usually, he ends up saving the world....
Well, over the years, I watched it too.
And when BBC America began airing the newest series of them, I of course watched them too!
Well, the newest series began a few weeks ago and I was speechless when
Lil'A was maybe more excited than I to watch the premier!
It turns out that she LOVES this show!
She LOVES The Doctor!  Especially this latest Doctor...
She asks to watch Doctor Who On-demand as often as she asks for Max & Ruby.
And I am thrilled!

Now, The Doctor travels in this Police Box turned TARDIS.

I can hear you asking: A wha? Just what is a Tar-dis?
Well, let me begin by saying, it sounds better if you put on your best British Accent and say it...
But TARDIS stands for:
Time And Relative Dimension In Space

This means, in a really simplistic way:
 It can travel through to any point in time and space.
It is larger on the inside than the outside.
And can blend in to its surroundings.
Basically, for The Doctor, it is his Deluxe-Motor-Home-In-The-Sky
The Tardis has a signature sound that has been featured in the series over the years, which in an episode of late,
River Song explains that the sound is made because The Doctor doesn't take off the brakes upon landing and take off.

So, AuBrynne says to me, "Can you make me a dress with The Doctor's machine on it?"
Being the ambitious sort, I said, "Absolutely!"

And I started out making a template with the Silhouette Studio.
Lots of tiny 4.5mm circles....
Enough for the little Tardis-Blue nail-heads to fall into...
More than 650!
This probably would have been easier with the Rhinestone Template Kit,
but I wasn't willing to wait for the post to do that...
And, nail-heads are not weighted as rhinestones are and it made the whole process pretty tedious.
But the results are FANTASTIC!!!

You want to see what I came up with?

I like this dress SO much, I want to make a "Mommie version"...
What do you think?

Now, before you go saying:
This girl has gone way too geek for me,
check out this  AMAZING Tardis, over at Mateo and Me!

You know there is a certain little 4 year old girl who is asking for one of these in her size...

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You all are SO inspiring, I can't wait!
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  1. I must shut down the computer before my hubby sees this...he watches this show all the time. Cute! My little one would totally wear this.

    You have the cutest darn model!


  2. OH MY WORD!! That is so dang cute!!! My Dad watches that too!!! Lil A is so beautiful!!!

  3. It must be a dad thing because my dad watches too. And I grew up loving / hating it. And...I would be hiding that shirt because there is a real possibility that some little trekkie is going to come up and steal it right of of your girl's back.

  4. I love british sci-fi tv too. Have you watched primeval ? My nephew and i loved it

  5. What a cutie-pa-tootie! Tell her we all say hi! My dad watched it too, LOL!! Thanks for hosting as always!

  6. Oh Em Gee! You definitely haven't gone too geek for me, I big silly {heart} this! Definitely make a mommy version!

  7. Hi! I just linked up my salmon Alfredo with irish soda bread! It's great! hope to see you over at my blog hop on sunday! have a great day!!

  8. We're big Dr. Who fans here too! I won't let my husband get rid of my plethora of Dr. Who episodes I recorded on VHS off the TV :)

    You HAVE to enter your dress in BBC America's Where's the Tardis contest. I want to live vicariously through you :)

  9. Love your dress. Your design is perfect. Thanks for hosting~

  10. That is a fabulous Tardis shirt! I'm now super jealous of her.

  11. Thanks for hosting. I love the shirt and I'm a Sci-Fi nut, so I get it :)

  12. It never seems to amaze me what you come up with. I am starting to think that you and the members of your family are nerds...LOL! From the astronomy to the kind of shows...you all are too smart for me!! I love the dress and I know you would look great in one too :)

  13. I {heart} Doctor Who too, and the dress you made for your daughter is adorable!

  14. I want a Tardis shirt too...I actually do have one already, but not with rhinestones like that. Adorable!

  15. Hi Allie, That girlie is such a doll... hope you have a great week! Malia

  16. Oh my goodness, I LOVE that shirt! I'd want one for me. And my oldest would probably steal it.

    We used to watch Dr Who when I was little. The Fourth Doctor will always be my favorite but the Ninth is a very close second.


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